Scroll to Release Notes: 1.42, 1.41, 1.40, 1.39, 1.38, 1.37, 1.36, 1.35, 1.34, 1.33, 1.32, 1.31, 1.30,, 1.29, 1.28, 1.27, 1.26

Getting Started with VaMX

VaM_Installer installs and runs VaM_Updater. In VaM_Updater (which displays these release notes) press the green “Install VaM and vamX” button to download and install VaMX (28 GB).

If the download is interrupted, re-open the VaM_Updater.exe (from your VaMX folder), then press the bottom-right green Install button. The Updater will resume from the latest point.

When installation finishes open VaMX by pressing Launch Desktop or Launch VR in the top right area of the Updater. When first opening VaMX (a.k.a Virt-a-Mate) you will need to keep Enable Plugins (Mods) checked in the Welcome / Security screen in order to use VaMX.

In the future, open VaMX by double clicking VaM.exe (which opens in VR Mode), or VaM (Desktop Mode).bat. These are located in your VaMX folder in Windows (for example C:\VaMX). The VaM_Updater.exe and VaM.exe are located in the same VaMX folder.

IMPORTANT: After opening Virt-a-Mate (VaMX), accept the EULA, leaving Plugins (Mods) enabled. Then open the right-side Tutorials section to start using VaMX. The VaMX user guide (help) is available in game, or by going to

Plugins: Almost all features in Virt-a-Mate / VaMX require plugins, so make sure you leave plugins enabled. If you download other user-created plugins, Virt-a-Mate will ask your permission before running each one. Plugins from the Virt-a-Mate Hub are often checked for safety by other hub users.

Troubleshooting: If you don’t see the Launch Desktop or Launch VR buttons, you haven’t fully downloaded VaMX. If you see the “Install VaM and vamX” button, press that to resume installation. Otherwise, try pressing Options (for both VaM and vamX) and press Sync / Repair All to have the VaM Updater scan your current VaMX folder and download any missing, broken, or partially downloaded files.

If you didn’t enable plugins in the welcome screen, to get vamX to work,
open any VaMX scene, then from the Virt-a-Mate UI (with small square icons) press Open Main UI (three horizontal bars, above the VaM and vamX version numbers) -> User Preferences (left tab) -> Security (top tab) and check Enable Plugins.

We offer a separate (optional) AI Chat feature launched from the AI Chat button / scene. AI Chat costs us (a lot) per user/response/server. If you want to use AI Chat (which is not at all required for the 17,000 voice commands or any other part of vamX) you need to subscribe to the Patreon vamX VIP + AI + ChatGPT Tier from



NEW in vamX 1.42

Improved the Yoooi ToySerialController and adapted it to vamX (this controls OSR toys like the SR6, OSR2+ and new SR1). The new vamX version of the Yoooi ToySerialController automatically selects the correct type of foreplay/sex for all vamX poses and animations. We've also added new features like optional constant rotation, and converting small thrusts in vamX into large toy thrusts. The Yoooi ToySerialController also improves OSR toy sync precision, and adds sync for threesomes, foreplay, and new prop poses like St. Andrew's Cross poses.

Toys like The Handy and other stroking toys aren't supported by Yoooi ToySerialController. They aren't meant for real time response, and need to know in advance what will happen (or have predictable repeating stroking).

We suggest the new SR1 by FunOSR. It's a stroking and rotating toy, that has real time precise sync, is strong, and is relatively quiet for a stroking toy (quieter and more durable than the SR6). You can compare devices and purchase an SR1 with an exclusive vamX mount in the vamX Toy Comparison page. We were so impressed with the SR1 that we improved the Yoooi ToySerialController and added it to vamX to optimize the experience of using the SR1 in vamX.

Added a "Previous Pose" (or "Last Pose") voice command to match the "Next Pose" voice command. This loads the previous (or next) pose in the current pose set and works in most poses, including Milking Table and St. Andrew's Cross poses (so you can navigate through these with voice commands).

Added a Lock Anims button to the vamX Sound tab. This is used to stop animations from being called by Speech Recognition (voice commands). For computers with < 32 GB of RAM, which may have a hard time using the Seamless Animation system, we recommend checking the Lock Anims button in the Sound tab to prevent accidentally loading the huge Seamless Animation system.

Added a "Previous Pose" (or "Last Pose") voice command to match the "Next Pose" voice command. This goes to the previous (or next) pose in the current pose set, for example the next missionary bed pose, or next standing pose. You can now also use these with the Cross or Milking Table poses to go to the next or previous pose. These voice commands work with all poses except Seamless Animations / Dance Animations. The full set of (non-AI) voice commands for previous pose are "Previous pose" "Previous sex position" "Previous position" "Last pose" "Last sex position" and "Last position".

Added a Lock Anims button to the vamX Sound tab. This is used to stop animations from being called by Speech Recognition (voice commands). Computers with < 32 GB of RAM may have a hard time using the Seamless Animation system, as it loads MANY animations into RAM, in order to have a large set of Seamless Animation options.  If you are getting crashes when using Seamless Animations, check the Lock Anims box to make sure these aren't accidentally chosen by the Speech Recognition (voice commands) system. This Lock Anims button has the same function as the Lock Anims button in the Scene -> AI Chat menu.



NEW in vamX 1.41

49 new animated St. Andrew's Cross bondage poses, including vamX Action compatible versions for M/F sex poses.

You can load these poses in any scene (there must be room for the cross).

Go to Pose -> Standing -> Supported Poses & Props (middle button on the first page) -> 5th Page of Cross Poses.

The new Cross poses start on the 5th page of St. Andrew's Cross Poses.

Most poses will work with most looks, but if there are alignment issues you may need to use the Action tab to adjust the penis size or penis position for some poses (after loading the pose). You can also use the Pose -> Fix Pose tools to disable some of the male penis colliders, or try a different male or female look if necessary.

Future updates will add additional props (cages, glory holes, etc.).

A random male voice is now chosen each time vamX is opened (or added to a scene). This way there is more male voice variety. Male voices are only on by default in Desktop Mode. In VR, you must manually select a male voice, or the male won't speak. If you save a scene (with vamX in it) and reload that scene, the male voice will stay the same as it was when saved.

Decreased Male Voice breathing volume. This was too loud in almost all voices except the default Talking Smut voice, so this improves the experience of most voices, so the male breathing sound doesn't dominate the scene (it does get louder when he is more aroused).

Lowered the default volume of Male Speech (you can increase the volume in Sound -> Speech -> 3rd Page -> Male Voice Loud (press Loud twice for full volume).

Arousal now increases in all Standing Prop / BDSM poses.

Male speech was very rare. Now male speech (dialog) happens more frequently (when a voice from Sound -> Male Voices is used). Choose different voices for variety from Sound -> Male Voices.

Male speech now properly plays during Standing Prop / BDSM poses (when a voice from Sound -> Male Voices is used).

You can now use the __MOVE_COUPLE_TOGETHER atom to move Standing Prop / BDSM poses (as this now also moves the prop, like the milking table, or St. Andrew's cross with the pose).



NEW in vamX 1.40

28 New Animated Poses - St. Andrew's Cross - Part 1
 All of these poses are animated and work best as threesome poses. This is the second standing prop pose release, and the first of two St. Andrew's Cross pose releases.

You can load these poses in any scene, and the St. Andrew's Cross is automatically placed wherever standing poses would be placed (there must be room for the cross).

Go to Pose -> Standing -> Supported Poses & Props (middle button on the first page).

The milking table poses have been moved to after the cross poses.

Pose alignment for animations requires people of the standard size, and now automatically set the people in the pose to standard size (scale of 1.0). Most poses will work with most looks, but if there are alignment issues you may need to use the Action tab to adjust the penis size or penis position for some poses (after loading the pose). You can also use the Pose -> Fix Pose tools to disable some of the male penis colliders, or try a different male or female look if necessary.

Future updates will add additional props (more St. Andrew's Cross poses, cages, etc.).

St. Andrew's Cross is by ZRSX from the free [Subscenes] New BDSM devices. Get more ZRSX content at




NEW in vamX 1.39

41 New Poses - Milking Table & Raised Supported Sex
Many of these poses are animated, and most include special threesome poses or animations.
You can load these poses in any scene, and the Milking Table is automatically placed wherever standing poses would be placed (there must be room for the table).

Includes Foot job, massage, milking table blow job, supported sex and much more.
The milking table acts as a standard height bed/table, which opens the door to new vamX poses.

Go to Pose -> Standing -> Supported Poses & Props (middle button on the first page).

Pose alignment for animations requires people of the standard size, so use the default vamX people, or go to Pose -> Fix Pose -> Standard Person Size. Most poses will work with most looks, but many pose/look combinations will have alignment issues for penetration / BJs. To improve these try reloading the pose, change the Action -> Penis Position slider, use the Pose -> Fix Pose tools, or try a different male or female look, or try a different pose.

This is Part 1 of a large series of supported / prop / BDSM poses. Future updates will add additional props (St. Andrews Cross, cages, etc.) with 30+ unique new poses per update.

The Milking Table is automatically downloaded from the Hub. If you don't have Hub access, manually download it from

The Milking Table is ported by Nabuhiro from (original author)




NEW in vamX 1.38

New local voice commands to control stroking or vibrating toys (The Handy, etc.) and multi-axis toys (SR6). Say things like "toy on for 10 seconds", "then off for 5 seconds", "toy penis tip", "toy penis base", "toy wider range", "toy position higher" (faster vibration), "toy rotate faster" (SR6) and more. Also works with Lovense Lush.
Build an SR6:
Buy an SR6 (cart -> check out -> enter code: VAMX for 5% off)

New AI Chat personalities can control your toys as part of the chat. These personalities say toy voice commands. Go to AI Chat -> Personality Lists -> Toy Control & Jerk Off Instructions.

Have AI Chat, but no toys? Try the excellent new Jerk Off Instructions (JOI) personality.

Random cycling of scene, pose, look and more, all controlled by voice commands. What do you watch while being worked on? "Start Random Scene Cycling". Like what you see? Say "Pause Cycling" or "Lock Music", "Lock Sex", "Lock Action", "Lock Pose", "Lock Scene", "Lock Environment" or "Lock Look" to keep cycling, but stop changing those things. You can also say "Faster Random Changes" or "Slower Random Changes".

Open the updated voice command list, and search for toy commands to see all of the new voice commands in vamX 1.38. If you haven't used vamX voice commands before, read the numbered steps at the top of the voice command list!

Fixed issue with using Lovense Vibrators with vamX. Before when the toy "stopped" it would stop at whatever last vibration level it was on. Now if you turn off toys, the vibrator also stops.  If you use the new 5 seconds on feature, after 5 seconds the vibrator stops (instead of just stopping changing levels and staying fixed at whatever strength it was on when it stopped). Vibrators vibration level is still linked to the equivalent of a stroking toy's location, so for thrusting/cycling the vibrator increases and decreases with each thrust. So if you say toy position higher, a stroking toy would focus closer to the penis tip, and a vibrator would increase in strength (while oscillating).

Fixed TCode serial controller v3.1 so that it works with LARGER STROKES, SMALLER STROKES, LOWER, AND HIGHER commands and buttons (which weren't working in TCode3.1).



NEW in vamX 1.37

Added setting to Rotate World for lying down (VR only). If you need to lie down and look up while using Virt-a-Mate, see the ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND IMPROVEMENTS section below.

You can now load any pose for the vamX Female, including from the new POSE LIBRARY. The POSE LIBRARY contains over 2000 organized, free poses, from ascorad, AshAuryn, bill_prime, IAmAFox, klphgz, Luminestrial and VAMsss. These poses are mostly not sex poses, and only change the Female person (although the Female can be male).

To use the POSE LIBRARY go to Pose -> 2nd Page -> POSE LIBRARY and CUSTOM POSES -> LOAD ANY POSE (Female Pose Library).

There are also new buttons to attempt to align the Male to any pose. These are very rough, and you shouldn't expect sexual alignment. Next to the POSE LIBRARY you can find the new buttons:

Position Male Close in Front of Female

Position Male with Hips Close to Female Hips

Position Male with Face Close to Female Hips

New custom pose move / rotate buttons are available on the pages after the POSE LIBRARY. Go to Pose -> 2nd Page -> POSE LIBRARY and CUSTOM POSES -> 2nd and 3rd pages.

Added setting to Rotate World for lying down (VR only). You can now adjust the view so you can lie down, and look upwards as if you were looking forwards. Rotate World can also be used for when sitting in a chair but wanting to align yourself as if you were positioned above her for missionary or other positions. The Rotate World button is found at the bottom of many vamX menu tabs, including Pose (Pose -> Rotate World). While lying down, Quest controller thumbsticks operate differently (right controller rolls the view instead of turns it, etc.), so it is a little harder to freely adjust the camera. This also applies to rotation using other VR controllers. Drag world (pressing the right Quest controller thumbstick in) should allow you to drag your view to your desired location. To position the camera try using Scene -> Custom Scene (bottom button) -> 2nd Page -> LOOK THROUGH MALE'S EYES / Align Camera. In many scenes, changing to a pose in another location (from Bed poses to Standing poses) also resets the view.

As part of the POSE LIBRARY you can also Cycle Location to move the pose to the Bed / Standing / Chair positions, for scenes like the default vamX antique room where those are in different places in the scene.

Cycle Location is in Pose -> 2nd Page -> POSE LIBRARY and CUSTOM POSES -> Cycle Location.

If you find a female pose you like in some other Virt-a-Mate scene, you can save the pose by going to Edit Mode -> Cycle Select person (or select the person Atom) -> Pose Presets tab -> Uncheck Store Root Node In Pose (optional) -> type a Preset Name then press the green Create New Preset button. Note where you are saving the preset, as you'll need to find that directory to load the pose in vamX (when opening the POSE LIBRARY you can load any pose you've saved or any pose in the included library).



NEW in vamX 1.36

Added additional threesome poses to most Bed poses.

Added new Southern Dominatrix and Southern Sadist (harsher dominatrix) female voices.

Added new Exclusive vamX Scenes (environments)
2 Strip Rooms
Egyptian Ruins
Cartoon Forest (5 locations)
Apartment / Hotel Room (7 locations)
Plus C&G Studios adapted environments, like Helloween or Power as quick switch environments in the Scene tab (only the environment loads this way, not the animation).

56 additional VaM Hub environments (locations) now work with the vamX Scene tab! If you choose any Scene page marked "Hub" vamX will automatically download these environments (3 GB) from the Hub:

MR (Matt_) Magic Portal, Baker and the Bridge (6 locations), Forest Small, Infinity Mirror, Stages, Club Room, Curtains, Windy Forest, Chess Board, Dark Diorama, The Last Stronghold, Swing Set, Sakura Trees, Camera with Screens, Mirror, Cabin, Lantern with Fireflies, Rocker Stage, Luminous Stage, Storm, Fire (campfire), Animated Trees, Hero Tree, Palm Trees, Mushrooms, Shipwreck, Peachy Balloon and Dragon Fire.

Damarmau Geometry Environment, Pool Table Room (3 locations), Mountains (3 locations) and Forest

Random Room 2, Bedroom and Bus
Rock House and Lovers Cave
Plant Room and Sauna
House in the Trees
Cinema Environment (with or without audience)
Hexenv88 Private Camping Spot
Police Station Photo

A special thanks to Matt Richards ( ), Damarmau, TacoCat, and all of the scene creators for their tremendous work in creating this huge set of wonderful and diverse environments for Virt-a-Mate!

Added new Chuck, Paul, and Master Smut (dom) male voices. These can be used on the Male, or as gay male voices if you change the Female look to a male.

Added new exclusive C&G Seamless Animations (Dominatrix, Riding, Standing Doggy, etc.).\

Added more sex poses to the Seamless Animation Library.  These are best with the female only, for example for Passthrough.  The Seamless Animation Library now includes multiple Riding Cowgirl and Standing Doggy animations.  

Femdom / Dominatrix Seamless Animations. There are now animations with multiple variations for Dominatrix Standing Idle, Yes Mistress I'll Lick Your Feet, Mistress Can I Taste Your Pussy?, Mistress Will You Please Step On Me? and Mistress Will You Please Spank Me?



NEW in vamX 1.35

160 Voice Commands control the entire Seamless Animation Library. Say the animation button text as the voice command (learn more below).

High Heeled Shoes cause alignment problems to standing poses. Now Standing Poses and Animations can work well with High Heels by Pressing the High Heels button (Clothing & Hair -> 5th Page -> High Heels).

Improved Passthrough with mirrors, shadows, and hip rotation in the new last Scene page. Choose a color, then press OPEN SCENE CONFIG. If you have a Quest 3 and haven't tried Passthrough start with the Passthrough Instructions.

Learn about how to use Voice Commands, High Heels and Improved Passthrough in the ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND IMPROVEMENTS section.



Voice Commands
Some voice commands depend on already being in a seamless animation (Pose -> Standing -> SEAMLESS ANIM & POSE LIBRARY).  For example, if you say "Let's have sex" while in a seamless animation, then she will move into a lying sex animation pose (as opposed to if you are in a normal vamX pose where she will then start thrusting if possible).  You can see the full list of new commands by searching for "Seamless" on the voice command pages: or (or open the Speech Recognition command list page in-game using the vamX Menu -> Sound -> Speech / Moan Pitch & Options -> 4th (last) Page). There is also information about the voice commands in the button panel that opens when using the Seamless Animation Library.

High Heels
Added a High Heels button (Clothing & Hair -> 5th Page -> High Heels). This button changes her foot angle (in all poses) and offsets her vertical location (in standing non-sex poses). Press the High Heels button repeatedly to cycle between 5 different high heel heights/foot angles. This should work pretty well with most standing non-sex poses and animations. Chair poses require her and the chair to be a certain height so we don't raise her up, and she therefore looks like she is bending her knees when wearing heels. We also don't raise the female height on standing sex poses, so high heel adjustment won't work well / as well in standing sex poses. Heel changes may still misalign interactions between the male and female in sex poses (but mostly should be ok). You can set the foot rotation precisely by going to Edit Mode -> Select the __vamX Plugin Atom (close the new animation menu if open) -> _CHOOSE_VAMX_FEATURES Open Custom UI... -> High Heels Adjustment. This feature was inspired by (but we aren't using) the HeelAdjust plugin by Prestigitis / JayJayWon / ICannotDie / CheesyFX (it's been through a lot of revisions over the years). Our method integrates better with vamX, but for a much wider set of features, including foot step noises and more configuration, download the latest version of the HeelAdjust2 plugin from

If you haven't tried Passthrough, start with the Passthrough Instructions.
Improved Passthrough with new Passthrough scenes with mirrors, shadows, a doorway (so she can be hidden, and then enter the room) and more. Shadows use the moyashi.ChromaKeyifier.2 plugin. Go to the last Scene page, and choose a passthrough color, then use the new OPEN SCENE CONFIG to help configure the scene. You can enable or disable two different sized mirrors, toggle on/off extra objects for manual or automatic pose positioning (like a table), and also view the wireframe of what objects are around. There is also a Look At / Align Female button which can help bring the female / scene close to you for positioning (as positioning can get lost when switching to the Virtual Desktop control panel for example). Aligning the scene with a real mirror in your room provides a very interesting experience, where you can see yourself (and her) in the mirror having sex. To help improve sex alignment for passthrough it's sometimes useful to rotate her pelvis or hip down so you don't see any misalignment between your penis and her pussy, so there are also buttons for that on the 2nd page of the OPEN SCENE CONFIG menu for passthrough. Hip rotations are controlled by vamX Actions, so for the hip rotations to have an effect on the pose, Actions need to be stopped. You may not need these last rotation buttons, but if you really want to see yourself penetrating her, these adjustments may help.

Added a REATTACH Loose or Falling Clothes button to the Undress section in the Seamless Animation Library.

You can now open the Speech Recognition command list page in-game using the vamX Menu -> Sound -> Speech / Moan Pitch & Options -> 4th (last) Page. That page can help you learn and practice voice commands (non-AI voice commands). For the Seamless Animation Library you can say over 1000 phrases to trigger the 160 animations commands (multiple phrases trigger the same command). Find the complete list of phrases in the last section of that page. There are now 1,800 vamX actions which can be triggered by over 18,000 phrases (the non-AI voice commands can only detect exact phrases so there are multiple exact phrases for each action). When enabling Speech Recognition in vamX using the Speech Recognition checkbox, help text appears with instructions on how to open the Speech Recognition help.



NEW in vamX 1.34

Instructions for Passthrough / AR


1) Open the vamX Scene. Go to Pose -> Standing -> SEAMLESS ANIM & POSE LIBRARY.

2) Wait for 30 seconds while the animation library loads to ram. The Virt-a-Mate UI will be shown with the vamX Plugin Animation Menu.

3) In the new vamX Plugin Animation Menu press a section on the left, for example "Poses, Chilling / Hanging Out" then choose an item from the right. An item marked (*3) means there are 3 variations of that animation that randomly play. See the vamX plugin menu in the vamX 1.34 video.

4) When pressing an animation (to change to), the current animation may need to finish first, which can take a minute! If you don't need a seamless transition, and want to immediately change, just press the same desired new animation again, and it will immediately jump to that animation. If things get really stuck, press Reset Pose, then choose a new animation.




NEW in vamX 1.33

Many additional animations in the first 3 new pages of Poses -> Standing.

C&G Studio: Added Kneeling and Kneeling Hand Job to the original set of Pose -> Standing C&G Studio animations. These 7 animations now transition seamlessly and in a smarter way. It may take up to 30 seconds for a transition, as she slowly finishes what she is doing, and begins a pathway towards what you chose. These 7 poses actually contain over 40 animations, as each pose has multiple variations, plus transitions to other animated poses.

Added a separate set of 10 new C&G animated standing emotional and non-sexual poses to the 2nd and 3rd pages of Pose -> Standing. These are the start of a large set of C&G standing poses for emotional expression and simple actions (and eventually sexual actions) for AI and non-AI. To create a life-like feel, she intelligently transitions through animation sequences towards the target animation (if she is kneeling facing away from you, and you press for her to wave hi standing, she first turns around on her knees, then stands up, then waves hi). These will be expanded over time.

New 170 animation library available in the 3rd page of Pose -> Standing. Load any of the 170 included animations, or any BVH animation converted for Virt-a-Mate, onto the Female as a standing pose. These load and play quickly, allowing you to easily switch of animations. BVH Player is a vamX modification of BVH Player by ElkVR & VRAdultFun.

Angelic Encounter Scene: Added new vamX edit of the paid C&G Studio scene Angelic Encounter. vamX now includes Angel Wings and Storm by Matt Richard, and 10 more free Skybox Asset bundle by CuteSvetlana / AllSky for the Angelic Encounter scene.

New Angel Wings can be added to any look in any scene using Female -> Adjust Looks & Build Fantasy Characters (press next till you get to the wings page).

Added more dialog for the Scottish Peach voice (added 24 sentences). This voice also has a number of lines specifically for lesbian scenes (main female says to secondary female: “I want to lick your pussy”).


Improved transitions between Animated Poses in Pose -> Animated Poses.

Fixed issue where when using the Maive AI she didn’t respond to “OK Maive…” type voice commands. (This if for the legacy Maive AI beta, with pre-recorded audio, and touch awareness).

Upgraded vamX version of AcidBubbles Timeline to the latest version in order to load new C&G animations (or other animations that use the new save format for Timeline).

Improved control of lesbian pussy alignment using the Action -> Penis Postion slider. This can now more accurately cause the main Female pussy to be stimulated by the pelvis of the secondary female (Male), but the secondary female’s pussy still won’t align for sizzoring (rubbing clits together).




NEW in vamX 1.32

New British female voices Philippa and Constance. Constance is a more dominant voice with occasional dominatrix type lines. These new voices are by the excellent Pixie Willow!

New male voice Allen. You can also apply this voice to the main “female” (as a male) for use if you change your partner to a male.

Added new Environments to the Scene tab: Space Station Habitat Scene Set, Casino Scene Set, and Massage Table Scene with the Cs_Digital Studio Massage Table.  These are “simple” environments with all poses in the same chosen location.  The Space Station Habitat and Casino scenes have multiple buttons that open these large scenes in different locations. If you are on a massage table, choose bed poses unless you want her standing on the table (or use Pose -> 2nd Page -> Move -> Start Move to move standing poses). When loading the Space Station scene, it can take a while (maybe 30 seconds), but if you switch from one Space Station scene to another (different locations in the same environment), it switches quickly.

Added voice commands to trigger Dancing Together, practicing Capoeira Together, practicing Martial Arts together (fighting). You can say (in normal or Chat AI): “Dance together”, “Dancing together”, “Dance with me”, “Let’s dance”, “”dance party”, “Capoeira Together”, “Let’s do some Capoeira”, “Practice Capoeira”, “Martial Arts Together”, “Let’s practice martial arts together”, “Let’s practice Karate”, “Kick boxing”. Added voice command for both people to get naked. You can say (in normal or Chat AI): “Let’s get naked”, “Shouldn’t we both be naked”, “Naked together”, “Let’s both get naked”, “Do you want to get naked?”, “Should we take our clothes off?”, “Let’s take our clothes off”, “Take all our clothes off”. Learn more about voice commands




NEW in vamX 1.31

This build is focused on non-AI voice commands.

Over 17,000 phrases (what you say) trigger over 1,600 actions (what happens in vamX).

These are non-AI, locally processed, speech recognition actions.

There are now more than 3x as many actions as there used to be in vamX.

These actions load content that is included in vamX, so if there is some long blonde hair, you can say long blonde hair. But since we don’t have long green hair, saying long green hair does nothing.

In order for voice commands to work, Virt-a-Mate MUST be the active window! If you click on some other window / application, voice commands won’t work. You also must have Speech Recognition checked in the vamX -> Sound tab. Learn more about how to use voice commands in the vamX List of Voice Commands.

You can see the 17,000 phrases and 1,600 actions in the vamX List of Voice Commands.


Add hundreds of new voice commands to control poses, clothes, hair, skins, eye color, face decals, cumming, rag doll, lighting, many more scenes/environments, and much more.




NEW in vamX 1.30

Added Doctor’s Office story with exclusive VL_13 male Doctor’s clothing. You can load the Doctor’s Office scene from VaM’s Scene Browser (includes lighting, scene fine tuning, and suggested looks), or load the Doctor’s Office story by going to Other -> Stories -> 2nd Page -> Doctor’s Office (loads more quickly, and keeps your current looks and LUT color settings).

Added new C&G Studios animated standing poses. Set her to wait, move/seduce, touch or tease. These poses are animated and contain multiple variations that play randomly. When switching these poses, there are smooth animated transitions between most poses. To achieve a smooth transition, you must wait up to 30 seconds after you press the new pose, to allow the current animation to complete and start a smooth transition to the new animated pose. Find these on the new first page in Pose -> Standing.

Added vamX edit of C&G Studios Generation X.

Added vamX edit of C&G Studios Sexy Mi. After opening this scene, play the Sexy Mi playlist from YouTube (shown in-game in the upper left corner of the classroom).

Lowering User Preferences -> Performance -> Render Scale can dramatically help framerate (fps) in VR, especially on high resolution headsets (including the Quest 2 and Index). We now automatically set a lower render scale when setting low quality levels in Plugins -> Give Me FPS / Optimize Speed -> Ultra Low Quality or Low Quality. Render Scale is called VR Resolution Scale in the vamX Menu. Changing quality levels in vamX changes Virt-a-Mate’s current quality settings. This will help solve frame rate issues for many VR users who set quality to Low or Ultra Low Quality but still struggle with fps.


Improved the Kiwi voice with additional sexy lines and moans.

Improved issue with female tongue extending and returning to her mouth in a jerky way. Her tongue now moves in/out more smoothly.

Fixed issues where the female tongue didn’t stick out, or return to the mouth, correctly. Her tongue would almost always stay sticking out when her head moved away from his penis. Sometimes her tongue wouldn’t come out when close to the Male’s penis, or came out too long. This is fixed.

Stop dialog when her tongue is extended (so she doesn’t talk while sticking out her tongue). She can still moan with her tongue out while having sex at high arousal. This seems more realistic.

Added ability to show facial expression emotions during dialog for non-Belle voices, and used this feature in the Doctor’s Office story.




NEW in vamX

Switching tabs / pages in the vamX Menu is now much, much faster (most often, with no significant delay). This allows you to navigate the vamX Menu more efficiently, reducing the time and frustration to get to, for example, the 17th page of Female looks.

Multiple improvements for pose alignment for sex. Solved a longstanding issue that caused loss of alignment (in ways that couldn’t be resolved by reloading the pose). Alignment is now improved, but also, if you lose alignment, simply reload the pose.

Added Skippy’s male cum clothing, so you can now also cum on male / FUTA people (and see the lasting cum effect depending on where you came). Cum clothes added with special permission from Skippy.

Improved Ragdoll Options (in Pose -> 4th Page). You can now set 3some people to Ragdoll, as well as choose if you want the Ragdoll person to collapse when moved off of their center, or to collapse immediately when you press Ragdoll (the new “RAGDOLL NOW” buttons).

Fixed issue where grab head to Embody was unreliable. Press both VR Controller trigger buttons (SteamVR) or grab buttons (Quest) near a person’s head to Embody them. Press both buttons near your own head (like you’re removing a VR headset) to stop Embody.


Multiple improvements for pose alignment for sex. Major improvements in many poses in the first few pages of Pose -> Bed / Floor. Fixed occasional, major, issue with pose alignment that could appear when choosing a pose first, then showing the male after. Fixed other pose alignment issues.

Major improvements in loading speed when changing pages / tabs in the vamX UI (vamX Menu). Also the vamX UI doesn’t stop changing pages (and has a much reduced delay) during long loading of other textures, such as when returning from the hub or changing looks. Overall the vamX UI should update 2-5x as fast as before (when Virt-a-Mate is run from an SSD or high speed thumb drive).

Now when grabbing the female’s hands the VR Hands disappear so you can easily grab her hands and make it look like she is stroking your body. In general Virt-a-Mate VR Hands didn’t disappear / reappear reliably when using the grab to possess hands vamX feature. When possessing a female’s hands you could still see the VR Hands, and when switching back and forth between Embody and non-Embody (for any person) the left hand could disappear completely. To grab any person’s hands, simply align your VR Controller / VR Hands with their hands, then press the grab button on your VR controller.

Possess + has been improved, but if you have issues with using Possess + (standard Virt-a-Mate possession) you may need to manually reset your Virt-a-Mate Menu -> User Preferences Tab -> VR 2 -> Position and Rotation offsets to 0 (all offsets on that page).




NEW in vamX 1.29

Animated dance, sex, and cool lighting effects from C&G Studios, in 7 vamX edited C&G Studios Scenes. These include 3 paid C&G Studios Scenes (with permission from C&G). Scenes depend only on vamX (so the extra file size is small) and often have different music, looks, cum effects, etc. These scenes are opened from the Virt-a-Mate scene browser not from vamX. Booty2lap (galactic lap-dance), Power (dance and sex), Hellbound Helloween (evil dance), Moments in Time (cowgirl sex), Gravity (abstract dance & masturbation), Late Nite (strip and lap-dance), and Sexy Show Dance 3 (upbeat club dance).

To integrate these C&G Studios scenes, we’ve improved vamX’s ability to interact with any Virt-a-Mate scene (Add vamx). When loading a vamX pose for the first time in a custom scene, sex now starts automatically, and other animations which would interfere with the vamX pose and sex animation, stop automatically. Also correct switching or stoping custom scene background music now works in more complex custom scenes. If you subscribe to C&G Studios at (or check the hub) you will have many more C&G Studios scenes that work well with vamX (including the original versions of the included scenes).

Added 7 ascorad looks (optimized by ascorad) to the last page of Female looks.

Added exclusive VL_13 Male Doctor and paid Female Nurse clothing (4 female and 9 male mix and match clothing items, including pants down states for male). The exclusive male doctor’s clothing will be part of a Doctor’s Office Story with full voice over coming in vamX 1.30.

Improved random look generation with added clothing presets, ascorad base looks, new hairstyles and more. vamX includes 14 new generated looks based on new content in the Female tab -> Load & Save -> Load vamX Looks -> 1.29 folder.

Now using the (better) Virt-a-Mate 1.22 built-in lip-sync for most female voices.


Major improvements to being able to stop person atom animations in complex scenes where vamX has been added. This makes it possible to switch to sex poses and sex animations in complex scenes. In prior versions, stopping person atom animation only stopped regular recorded animations. Other scene elements could easily continue to modify the person in ways that made using vamX poses impossible.  Now if the person is impacted by Triggers from the main animation track, has AnimationPatterns in any atom which control parts of the person, or has multiple timeline animations, all of this can also be stopped by vamX as needed (when switching to a vamX pose, or when stopping person animation in Scene -> Custom Scene -> 3rd Page -> Stop All ATOM / PERSON ANIMATION).

Improvements to being able to stop background music in complex scenes. Many scenes have a manual trigger to start background music, so even when vamX was used to stop background music, it would start again when the scene animation looped (restarted). Going to Scene -> Custom Scene -> 3rd Page -> Stop All NON-VAMX SOUND now also removes any main animation track triggers that start sounds and background music.

Switched to using the Virt-a-Mate 1.22 built-in lip-sync for most female voices (except the default voice and Lina, which had each dialog line manually scripted, so those voices remain as usual). Large Lip Movements / Small Lip Movements options now only work with those two voices (Default & Lina, when used with Virt-a-Mate 1.22). For the other voices, female lip-sync mouth movements have been dramatically improved by the new Virt-a-Mate 1.22 buit-in lip-sync.

Added 7 ascorad looks to the last page of Female looks. These looks also show up near the top of Female (1st page) -> Load & Save Looks -> Load vamX Looks. These looks can also be the base of random female looks, adding additional possibilities to the look generation system.

Add VaMChan Headband Hairstyles Addition 01, 02, 03 & 05 Clothing and Hair to the vamX random look generation system. Added additional Oeshii Baroquesque, Madmoiselle and Fierce hair, as well as Roac Superlong hair, to the vamX random look generation system.

Created 14 new sexy looks based on the new ascorad Females and new hair. These are in the 1.29 folder when loading vamX looks (vamX.Base.1:/Saves/Person/appearance/vamX/Female/1.29). Open them by going to Female -> Load & Save -> Load vamX Looks -> 1.29 folder -> choose a look.

Added Atom markers which can be used by custom scenes. If you create an (empty) atom with a UID (name of the atom) of “vamX Pose Location”, then all poses start near that location. If you change the Atom UID of an atom to start with “vamX_Remove_On_Pose” (e.g. “vamX_Remove_On_Pose_SomeBigChair”) then those atoms will be removed when loading the first vamX pose (for example if they would be in the way of vamX poses and you want them to be removed when switching to a vamX pose).

Added a variety of buttons to the vamX plugin Custom UI to remove different parts of vamX to help people remove vamX from scenes where it was added. There isn’t a perfect way to remove vamX, so save your scene first (IMPORTANT!) then open the __vamX Plugin atom -> Plugins tab ->  _CHOOSE_VAMX_FEATURES -> Remove Hidden or Remove vamX. If the scene had atoms with the same name as vamX atoms, these may be removed from the scene, so be careful.




NEW in vamX 1.28

Added 80 minutes of excellent free & paid ReignMocap animation (6 dances, one shower dance, and a happy ending massage). Load animations in any vamX Scene from the new first page of Other -> Dance.

Added sexy thin and thicc paid pogdaddy looks Alea, Arya, Emmi, Immani, Ophelie, Zoela. Includes look variations for some looks (fat, thin, muscular).

Added a Creampie effect when cumming inside her, using customized vs1 Wet59 cum clothing for cum around and leaking out of her pussy.

Added 45 realistic and diverse male looks by GaymerRepublic. Male looks also have improved lip-sync and eye movements.

Added Makeup (DasBoot) and Face Paint menus (after eye color options in Female -> Adjust Look). Makeup, new Riddler skins, and all the new looks improve vamX random look generation.

If this is your first time using vamX, start with the vamX Tutorials scene as described in the download steps below.


Added 51 new selected female looks (generated by vamX). These include the new resources added to vamX 1.28, plus a few older looks. Open these from the vamX.Base.1/Saves/Person/appearance/vamX/Female and Female/1.18 folders (should be 1.28 but the folder was incorrectly named 1.18).

The Male now uses Acid Bubble’s Glance plugin to determine eye movements. This makes him a little more realistic. By default, he looks only at other people in the scene (who are in front of him), not at you (unless you Embody one of the other people). If you want him to look at you (the window camera), you can manually change the Glance plugin settings on the Male (Person#2), or use vamX Menu -> Plugins -> 2nd Page -> Head Control -> 2nd Page -> Head & Eyes LOOK AT CAMERA (which affects both the Male and Female).

The Male’s mouth was open too much, especially when speaking, and the speaking didn’t look realistic. The Male’s mouth is now a little more closed, and, when vamX is used with Virt-a-Mate 1.22 and above, the Male now has much better mouth movements when speaking. Combined with the Glance improvements, the Male is, overall, a lot more realistic and doesn’t look as much like a static dummy, which is especially important when scenes are viewed in Desktop Mode (non-VR). Additional male facial expressions will be added in future releases.

Added awesome new Riddler skins: Riddler Skin 2b, Riddler Skin 6, Riddler Skin 8, and PicoVAM Edited Skin. These skins have been compressed to fit in vamX (they should look basically identical to the original skins). These skins add to the random skin diversity during vamX random female look generation.

Added sexy new Regulus Fen booty shorts clothing presets for female and male people. Added subset of Qing Black Widow clothing / tattoos. These all appear during vamX random look generation.

Added new hair to vamX random look generation. Hair includes ddaamm hair long 8, ddaamm hair short 4, JoyBoy Pretty Saucy Hair, Noc_This Yor Hair, Roac Arty Hair, Roac Bed hair and VaMChan Hair Headband Hairstyles addition 03.

ReignMocap dances are designed for high heels, so heels are added if she is barefoot when starting a ReignMocap dance (from Other -> Dance). When switching to the shower dance all shoes are removed.

Added new 4th page of Female to quick open 7 of the pogdaddy looks.

Added 45 realistic and diverse male looks by GaymerRepublic. 21 of these looks quick open in the 3 new pages of Male looks (near the end of the vamX Male tab).

Greatly improved diversity of random male looks by including random variations of these 45 new male looks.

Added two new male hair presets: ddaamm model hair and ddaamm JUN hair. These now also appear during random male look generation.

Added opening a ReignMocap pole dance to the Tutorials Scene -> Start Sex tutorial. This way people who are jumping right in are aware of these longer dances.




NEW in vamX 1.27

More realistic facial expressions using the included paid and free morphs from AshAuryn designed for vamX (more morphs for creators available from These morphs include activation of many additional subtle muscles, thereby creating more realistic expressions. Her default expressions, sex expressions, and emotions (Other -> Mood / Emotions) have all been improved. Her default, non-sex, facial expression is also now more neutral (as requested by patrons). If you prefer a more happy or flirty default expression go to Other -> Mood / Emotions -> Female.

Greatly improved lip-sync jaw and mouth movements for most female voices (voices after the first two pages). Lip sync is now more realistic and contains fewer distortion errors, even when combined with other morphs.

VaM Sync now works correctly with Max & Lush. Lovense devices are now in-sync (instead of in reverse sync), and can respond at both slow and very quick speeds.  You can now also choose which device you are using to optimize VaMSync for that device (Handy/Stroker vs. Max/Lush/Vibrator). Updated the Help -> Sex Toys to include information about using Lovense devices as well as physics based thrust detection (measures real penetration depth, best for vibrating toys as the Handy updates too slowly). This help can also be opened through Plugins -> Control The Handy & Other Toys -> HELP.

Added Drag Body button to Plugins -> Embody. Press Drag Body if you are using Embody and want to move around the room freely (especially useful when playing with RagDoll females who can be pushed away).

Improved female hand movements (both from Start Thrust and Pose -> 2nd Page -> FEMALE HAND). These now better target the correct areas. This makes an overall improvement in Action -> Start Thrust, with more natural and less awkward looking animations (although still not totally natural). The Touches Male Throat button works best when transitioning from already touching the Male Neck.

You can use a Strap-on as a floating Dildo (instead of the Male), if you hide the Male then go to Male -> 2nd Page -> Toggle Strap-on. This was possible in the previous release but was never announced.


Added Drag Body button to Plugins -> Embody. Press this button if you are using Embody and want to be able to move around the room freely. By default, if this isn’t pressed, many of the Embodied person’s controllers (body parts) are locked in place and/or controlled by vamX. For example you can embody a male in a particular position, while he is thrusting, and he will continue to thrust and maintain that position, even while you Embody his head and hands. If, on the other hand, you wish to drag the male to a new location (if his feet aren’t possessed having them drag under his head and hands) then you can press the new Drag Body button to disable all non embodied parts. This is especially useful when in ragdoll mode, as your partner may move far away from you, and you need to follow and move freely around the room while embodied.

Improved AIV-L voice.

Added support for Lovense vibrating devices. Tested with the Lovense Max 2 and Lovense Lush. Now when starting VaM Sync for toy support, you are prompted to choose between Lovense Devices and The Handy / Other stroking toys. Lovense devices were not working well with settings made for The Handy (for example they turned off completely at low thrusting speeds), so they will work much better in this release.

Added new Physics Sync for Lovense toys (and to some extent also for The Handy and stroking toys). This allows toys to respond to complex sex animations or manual control from Plugins -> Possess Sex (although imperfectly, read more below). This works best for vibrating toys. The Handy and other stroking toys (except the OSR2 / SR6) can’t update quickly enough to manually set locations, rather they operate by receiving commands sent at a relatively slow rate, that instruct the device in advance to start moving to a specific location at a specific speed. The Handy and similar toys work best when linked to a rhythmic (predictable) thrusting animation pattern, like those created from the vamX Actions panel. The new Physics Sync checks the actual current penetration percent at all times, and sends this information to the toy. Physics Sync works well for Lovense devices, as they can be controlled quickly via Bluetooth with frequent commands about how deep insertion is. Physics sync doesn’t work well (but can be used) for The Handy. Since The Handy (and Launch) can’t receive frequent changes to location / speed, a prediction of the thrust is made and sent, but it isn’t perfect and takes time (there is a delay) between what you do in VaM and when (and if) the toy responds.

New and improved facial expression morphs from AshAuryn in Other -> Mood / Emotions. These new morphs are much more lifelike, based on the facial action coding system in Genesis 8/9 (which add additional muscle activation in the cheeks and surrounding facial muscles for improved realism). For additional expressions, check out




NEW in vamX 1.26

Improved Eye Movement Realism. Incorporates AcidBubbles Glance for a more natural feel. There are also improved eye control options in Plugins -> Configure Head Control -> 2nd Page -> LOOK AT CAMERA and LOOK AT PARTNER.

Much quicker and easier to load, save, and edit presets. From Female (or Male/3some) press Load & Save Looks, Hair, Clothes & Edit Atom. This button opens a screen where you can load and save looks, to create your own look library, or search through looks. You can also load and save clothing, hair, skin, or plugin presets. Click Edit Atom to view the atom for further customization options. This is very useful for both new and experienced users.

Major improvements for Desktop (non-VR) control of sex. “Mouse Male” (in the Pose tab) is checked by default. This means if you press anywhere, and drag the mouse vertically, the male will thrust from your mouse movements (if they are in a sex pose).  You can also check “Mouse Fem.” to control female thrusting with horizontal mouse movements (try diagonals or circles for different types of synced movement). For pussy licking poses you have full rotational control of the Male’s head (left/right/up/down), and need to carefully drag the mouse in the right way to give good head. Without adding any thrust motions you can stimulate her to orgasm using the mouse in these ways in Desktop (non-VR) mode.

Added Ragdoll option for Female and Male in the new Pose -> 4th Page -> RAGDOLL. After pressing Ragdoll, push the person off-balance to start Ragdoll mode. Ragdoll requires something to fall onto, like a bed or floor.

Open the improved vamX Tutorials scene for first time users, or to learn more about the new Load & Save Looks, Hair, Clothes & Edit Atom features. This scene makes it easier to get started, and includes multiple kinds of useful help, video tutorials, and new quick start tutorials to dive right into vamX.

If this is your first time using vamX, start with the vamX Tutorials scene as described in the download steps below.